Stigma police say not more druggie, junkie and addict words allowed.
I read an article about a new campaign to reduce negative language around drug addiction. It seems the stigma police are offended by the terms druggie, addict and junkie. I feel like it is safe to say they have never been to a AA meeting where these terms are used freely by many with a “substance abuse disorder” to describe themselves. I’m offended that they are offended by how we talk. They are not us. Show me an addict who is offended by being called an addict. I have 7 years in recovery from drugs, booze, porn and anger…I am still an addict. I have an addictive personality. At meetings I say “Hi, my name is Adam and I am an alcoholic/addict.”
The article says….“The language used when any of us speak about people who use drugs can really impact how they feel about themselves and how they are viewed by others.” Hmmm…I am calling bullshit…I’m pretty sure its the hole inside me from being molested at 8 that lead to intense levels of toxic shame that I tried to bury with crack, cocaine, cheap booze and porn. But what do I know…I’m just a junkie.
The problem is not the language. Changing the language will not sober people up or get them drunk any faster. It only make people stumble their words in heartfelt shares because their speech is being policed.
We should face the music and understand that the problem is neglect and abuse that created trauma and negative coping mechanisms.